Més informació [ Detall d'activitat

9006330500   Mini projects- maxi-learning. Segona edició
2016-2017   Curs. Secundària en general
   3/7/2017 - 10/7/2017 (30 hores) de h a h
   INS Sants
   c. Enric Bargés, 9-13 (Barcelona) 
Format   Presencial
Organització   Servei de Formació i Desenvolupament Professional del Personal
   Les sessions presencials són els dies 3,4,5,6, i 7 de juliol de 9:00 a 14:00 h.
Accessos   METRO (Línia 3)
Estació SANTS ESTACIÓ (Sortida C. de Numància)
Correspondència METRO (Línia 5)
Correspondència RENFE

Veure plànol

Inscripció   15/05/2017 - 31/05/2017
Descripció i   Metodologia:   Mini-projects (basically, a reduced version of long-term projects) are a great way of implementing the TBL (task-based learning) methodology and integrating the four skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) in the classroom even if you are short of time (as teachers often are in their daily teaching!). They can also have a cross-curricular focus (CLIL). Apart from that, they develop students’ key competences (learning to learn, digital competence, linguistic competence and communicative competence, among others), as well as increasing students’ involvement and motivation, which maximizes their learning and boosts their autonomy and personal initiative. Finally, they give students (and teachers!) a break from the routine and a chance to make their learning more meaningful and personal, which in turn leads to better results.

In this hands-on course we will discuss the requirements for a mini-project to work with teenage students. We will also look at different types of projects that you can do in class and adapt to your teaching situation.

In each of the sessions, different tried-and-tested mini-projects will be demonstrated and participants will be asked to work in groups to design their own and to present it to the group.
Objectius   1.To outline and discuss basic principles for mini-projects to work in the teenage classroom
2.To identify and develop approaches and activities to present, carry out and assess mini-projects with teenagers
3.To learn how project work can develop students’ key competences at all levels and deal with the four skills in an integrated way; special emphasis will be given to the writing skill and to how to help the students to improve their written English
4.To present successful mini-projects that are easily adaptable to different teaching situations
5.To create relevant mini-projects for teenagers in the EFL class (both for ESO and Batxillerat students)
Continguts   -Features of a mini-project
-Audiovisual mini-projects
-CLIL mini-projects
-Mini-projects using wikis and webtools
-Assessing mini-projects
-Mini-project design
Observacions   Aquesta formació té una part telemàtica de 5h. Les sessions presencials són els dies 3,4,5,6, i 7 de juliol de 9:00 a 14:00 h.
Formador/a   Usoa Sol
Avaluació   In order to show achievement of your course objectives, participants will have to design and present a project for a group of ESO/Batxillerat students, providing the project aims, guidelines, materials and assessment criteria, and share them with the rest of the course participants.
Requisits de  certificació   1.Minimum attendance: 80% of face to face hours.
2.Positive evaluation of the tasks proposed during the course.
In order to show achievement of your course objectives, participants will have to design and present a project for a group of ESO/Batxillerat students, providing the project aims, guidelines, materials and assessment criteria, and share them with the rest of the course participants.
Persones  destinatàries   Secondary school teachers of English (ESO, BAT and CFA)
E-mail   estiullengues@xtec.cat

Generalitat de Catalunya
Departament d'Educació
Pla de formació permanent